The Azov sea, and straits of Kerch are international waterways. La (dé)militarisation, le désarmement, le contrôle des armes et des différents instruments de violence, sont des enjeux à la fois sociaux et économiques centraux, face aux événements qui secouent le Myanmar. According to Kovalenko, this was an intentional form of "naval diplomacy", carried out with the aim of asserting the Ukrainian claim to the surrounding waters. Pour comprendre l’importance majeure de cet « incident », il faut s’appuyer sur le régime juridique particulier de cette zone, et observer les réactions qui ont suivi dans les chancelleries. Néanmoins, au lieu des 60 jours demandés, la loi martiale a été établie pour 30 jours le 26 novembre 2018. If incident reveals anything, it is first of all, Russian Navy and Coast Guard total lack of any plans or training to stop Ukrainian ships in some more or less orderly manner. [86] U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo said the United Nations was not able to verify the events independently. [36] Ukraine has said that the increase in inspections by the Russian coast guard following the opening of the bridge represents an abuse of that right. At the time of the incident that occurred on 25 November 2018 in the Strait of Kertch, two small Ukrainian armed battleships (Berdyansk and Nikopol), class Gyurza-M, executed … L’incident de Kertch L’agenda caché en vue de la nouvelle provocation dans le détroit de Kertch, par Peter Korzun / Nouvelle escalade dans la confrontation. [119] In resolution 433 of 12 December 2018 the European Parliament strongly condemned Russian aggression in the Kerch Strait, demanded the release of all Ukrainian vessels and sailors. [43], Pavel Felgenhauer, a Moscow-based defense analyst and columnist for Novaya Gazeta, speculated that Putin's government instigated the incident out of concern that Ukraine's naval bases in the Sea of Azov may eventually host visiting NATO patrols. Selon Igor Delanöe, Directeur adjoint de l’Observatoire franco-russe, Petro Porochenko était crédité jusqu’alors de 10 % des intentions de vote, loin derrière Ioulia Timochenko, pressentie comme future présidente d’Ukraine15. À l'occasion de la sortie de son dernier livre, Thomas Gomart s'est entretenu avec Florian Louis. Google Maps Platform adheres to the Google Cloud Platform Incident Management framework.. [84], On 26 November, a day after the incident, lawmakers in the Ukrainian Parliament overwhelmingly backed the imposition of martial law in the country's coastal regions, and those bordering Russia and unrecognised Transnistria. [80] He has also stated that active military preparations had been spotted along the border on the Russian side. De plus, l’annexion de la Crimée assure une permanence certaine à la base navale de Sébastopol, conférant à la région un caractère pivot. [78] He warned of the threat of a Russian land invasion.[79]. Encore faut-il déterminer quel régime juridique s’applique en mer d’Azov et dans le détroit de Kertch. Pour l’ancien ministre de la défense Nick Hækkerup, « le conflit en Ukraine, les tensions en mer Baltique, les incursions dans notre espace aérien, le déploiement de missiles Iskander dans l’enclave de Kaliningrad […] Le Danemark ne pouvait décemment approuver la construction du gazoduc sans réagir, alors que nous avons 200 soldats danois postés en Estonie. The term incident (as defined in your quote) means the edge together with either its start vertex or its end vertex.. While both Ukraine and Russia agreed to the principle of freedom of movement through the strait and the Sea of Azov in 2003 following the Tuzla Island incident,[13] Russia has controlled both sides of the strait since the Crimean annexation. United States President Donald Trump cancelled the planned meeting with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during the G-20 summit in Argentina, claiming that the sole reason was the situation with Ukrainian ships and sailors.[137][138]. Pour M. Delanöe, l’intention profonde de l’État ukrainien semblait être d’« obtenir une assistance militaire de la part de l’Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique nord (OTAN), à laquelle Kiev brigue l’adhésion, pour l’instant en vain », en amenant à son paroxysme une situation enlisée en sa défaveur. Ses arches interdisent aux navires dont le tirant d’air est supérieur à 33 m de passer. Comment expliquer cela ? Pour Igor Delanöe, la seule solution qui reste à la « communauté euro-atlantique » est la carte des sanctions croissantes envers la Russie ; à défaut de faire appel à l’OTAN, une option qui soulèverait de trop nombreuses réserves au sein de ses membres, et qui ferait à coup sûr monter la tension dans la zone de manière radicale, sinon incontrôlée. [15] The annexation of Crimea by Russia is not recognized by Ukraine, therefore Ukraine holds that the invocation of an international treaty with regards to Crimean waters is illegitimate. How The West Eats Its Children. Le 25 novembre 2018, des navires ukrainiens étaient saisis par les garde-côtes russes, entraînant un fort regain de tensions dans la région. [90][91], Vice Admiral Ihor Voronchenko said on 29 November that Ukraine would request the closure of the Bosphorus Strait. Russian first deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanski, said that Russia, being a permanent member of the Security Council, would continue to raise important issues "under the agenda they relate to". [56] A report by the Russian FSB said that Ukraine had not followed the official procedure required for passage through the strait, namely that the port authority in Kerch should be informed 48 and 24 hours in advance of any movement, with an official confirmation 4 hours before the passage. As the flotilla, which consisted of two gunboats and a tugboat, approached the Kerch Strait, the Russian coast guard said they repeatedly asked the Ukrainian vessels to leave what they referred to as "Russian territorial waters". In 2014, Russia had annexed the nearby Crimean Peninsula, which is predominantly internationally recognised as Ukrainian territory. On 26 December at 2 pm, the martial law in Ukraine ended,[98] but the ban for Russian men aged between 16 and 60 continued[99] for some time. Later on they repeated the message in both Russian and Ukrainian, but were ignored by the Russians. Ce cas d’héritage partagé d’un espace assimilable à une « baie historique », c’est-à-dire soumis au régime des « eaux intérieures », n’est pas unique. The Ukrainian president characterised the incident as a potential precursor to a Russian invasion, and declared martial law along the border with Russia and in Black Sea coastal areas, which expired on 26 December 2018. D’un côté, cette loi le force à se présenter comme fort, ce que l’Ukraine ne semblerait pas pouvoir vraiment assumer face à la puissance militaire russe.,,,,,,,,,, Guerres invisibles, une conversation avec Thomas Gomart, La (dé)militarisation et le désarmement comme politique de transformation au Myanmar, Haut-Karabakh : la reprise en main de la Russie dans son étranger proche, La démocratie, ça sert, aussi, à faire la guerre, Les mémoires de la guerre, une conversation avec Carol Gluck. Les réactions des européens, notamment celle de l’Allemagne, et des États-Unis à cet événement sont, pour le moins, assez mesurées. [40] The vessels proceeded from Odesa with the 48-yr old Donbas towing the 45-yr old Korets. kertch (30), a seaport of the Crimea, on the eastern shore; had a large export trade, which suffered during the Crimea War, but has revived since. [16][21][9][22][23] Three Ukrainian crew members were injured in the clash, and all twenty-four Ukrainian sailors from the captured ships were detained by Russia.[9][8][24]. the website goes down. [7][67] The same day the Ukrainian Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs claimed that the accumulation of ships waiting to go to the Ukrainian ports had led to several accidents. As they neared the bridge, the Russian authorities placed a large cargo ship under it, blocking passage into the Azov Sea. This category contains files related to Crimea and/or to the city of Sevastopol.. Under a 2003 treaty, the strait and the … Avec l’annexion de la Crimée en 2014, l’Ukraine a perdu 80 % de sa flotte, qui y était stationnée4. Tour de France Peter Sagan says Wout van Aert should apologise over Tour de France sprinting incident The former world champion has reflected on … Il s’agit d’une zone de souveraineté commune aux trois États riverains (Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua). "[20] In March 2018, the Ukrainian border guards detained in the Sea of Azov fishing vessel Nord, accusing the crew of entering "territory, which has been under a temporary occupation". Incident management is typically closely aligned with the service desk, which is the single point of contact for all users communicating with IT. Leur détention a été prolongée jusqu’en avril 2019. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web. [45] The Ukrainian naval vessels then continued their journey, stopping near the anchorage 471 waiting zone, about 14 kilometres (9 mi) from the Crimean Bridge, and remained there for the next eight hours. [58] Also on that day, according to APK-Inform, Ukrainian commercial shipping returned to normal operation after the Kerch Strait was reopened to civilian traffic. La liste des personnes ciblées par des gels de leurs avoirs a été élargie, mais la réaction de l’Union est, dans l’ensemble, modeste et dans la continuité de sa politique depuis 2014. [102], On 26 November, Russia called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Un précédent passage de navires militaires ukrainiens, en septembre 2018, avait déjà failli dégénérer. He also said "For the first time, we didn't just react to the Russians’ steps, but started to set our own game rules". [66] On 4 December Omelyan stated that Russia did let ships reach Berdyansk and Mariupol again. 45 CNUDM), c’est-à-dire le « fait de naviguer dans la mer territoriale aux fins de la traverser sans entrer dans les eaux intérieures », sans distinction entre navires d’États et privés, de commerce comme de guerre. Russian politicians, including President Vladimir Putin, denounced the Ukrainian government, saying the incident was a calculated attempt by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to increase his popularity ahead of the Ukrainian presidential election next year. Néanmoins, vis-à-vis des européens, les États-Unis se montrent très directs, dans le style du président Trump, qui avait affirmé au sommet de l’OTAN des 11 et 12 juillet 2018 que « l’Allemagne est complètement contrôlée par la Russie […] elle est prisonnière de la Russie. L’espace est indivis, il n’y a donc pas de frontière maritime marquée ; ceci devait être convenu, aux termes de l’art. 2 Responses to The Kerch Incident. It also called on the European Union to introduce sanctions against Russia if the servicemen are not released and if there is any further military escalation. Donald Tusk, président du Conseil européen, a néanmoins souligné que les dirigeants européens ont « exigé la libération immédiate des marins ukrainiens, la restitution des navires arraisonnés et le libre passage pour tous les navires dans le détroit de Kertch »17. ITIL 4 Incident Management › (This article is part of our ITIL v3 Guide.Use the right-hand menu to navigate.) Première option, la situation de la mer d’Azov et du détroit de Kertch est régie par un accord particulier du 24 décembre 2003, la « Déclaration conjointe du 24 décembre 2003 du Président de l’Ukraine et du Président de la Fédération de Russie sur la mer d’Azov et le détroit de Kertch »6. Definition of Aggression, General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Treaty Between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on Cooperation in the Use of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Granting of autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, List of Black Sea incidents involving Russia and Ukraine, "Минобороны РФ подтвердило участие военных в инциденте в Керченском проливе)", "Explaining the naval clash between Russia and Ukraine", "Poroshenko says martial law to be introduced in Ukraine at 9 a.m. on Nov 28", "Ukrainian parliament votes to impose martial law after Russia allegedly seized country's ships", "Poroshenko Ends Martial Law in Ukraine As Tensions With Russia Continue", "Ukraine bans entry to all male Russian nationals aged 16-60", "Ukraine's ports partially unblocked by Russia, says Kiev", "Ukraine-Russia sea clash: Captured sailors shown on Russia TV", "Tension escalates after Russia seizes Ukraine naval ships", "Росія захопила понад 20 українських моряків – представник президента в Криму", "Russia seizes Ukrainian ships near annexed Crimea", "Russia seizes Ukrainian ships near annexed Crimea after firing on them", "Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the sea of Azov and the strait of Kerch", "Ukraine-Russia sea clash: Who controls the territorial waters around Crimea? L’Allemagne, par la voix de la chancelière Merkel, déclarait le 29 novembre que l’Ukraine devrait « rester avisée car nous ne pourrons résoudre les choses qu’en restant raisonnables, en discutant les uns avec les autres ». In an interview with the Kyiv Post, Ukrainian naval expert Taras Chmut said that he thought that Russians had not expected the Ukrainian operation, and so decided to take the least risky option by allowing them through. [39] The operation was the first deployment of Ukrainian Navy ships to the Kerch Strait area since the Russian annexation of Crimea. Elle avait le statut de mer intérieure sous l’URSS, ce qui ne posait aucun problème au regard du droit international à l’ époque, mais la situation a évolué depuis son éclatement. [27] The incident took place a few days before the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit. Les conséquences de cet événement pourraient largement dépasser les frontières naturelles de la mer d’Azov. [9], Russia did not immediately or directly respond to the allegation, but Russian news agencies cited the Federal Security Service (FSB) as saying it had incontrovertible proof that Ukraine had orchestrated what it called a "provocation" and would publicise its evidence soon. The information was received [by Russian authorities] but no response was given". Pour la Russie, la mer d’Azov est un élément constitutif du « réseau unifié de voies navigables de grande profondeur de la Russie d’Europe » (ou plus communément « système des cinq mers »), avec les mers Blanche, Baltique, Caspienne et Noire. [57], On the morning of 26 November, photographs of the captured Ukrainian ships laid up in the Crimean port of Kerch were published. [70], In March 2019, Canada, the United States and the EU imposed sanctions on Russian citizens and companies for their participation in the incident and activities in Crimea and separatist-controlled eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian boatmen used the same signal but spoke Ukrainian, retaliating to be in full right and not tresspassing, in accordance with the 2003 Russo-Ukrainian treaty on freedom of navigation in the relevant area. Ce système permet notamment le passage des corvettes russes depuis la mer Caspienne vers la mer Noire, puis en Méditerranée, via le détroit de Kertch3. [12] Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko convened the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council, describing the Russian actions as "unprovoked and crazy". Dans ce scénario, il s’agit d’une violation de la lettre de la Déclaration conjointe de 2003, garantissant que « les navires de guerre et les navires de commerce ukrainiens et russes jouissent de la liberté de navigation dans la mer d’Azov et le détroit de Kertch ». Russian military Command was at a total loss what to do, to such an extent, that they seized nearest merchant ship, tanker, and forced it to block Kerch Strait fairway. [105], Ukraine also called for an emergency meeting of the UNSC over what it described as the "attack" of Russia. En se basant sur les travaux de Dmytro Koval et Valentin J. Schatz5, il s’avère que deux scenarios émergent pour analyser le statut international de la mer d’Azov : deux options – incompatibles entre elles – sur son statut juridique sont en concurrence. Après l’annexion de la Crimée, la loi martiale n’était pas entrée en vigueur. Les Ukrainiens souhaitaient la présence de l’OTAN dans la zone, ainsi que celle d’observateurs sur leurs navires de guerre, mais les occidentaux n’ont pas accédé à ces demandes afin d’éviter tout risque d’escalade. Le 25 novembre 2018, des navires ukrainiens étaient saisis par les garde-côtes russes, entraînant un fort regain de tensions dans la région. [37] The captain of the Nord, Vladimir Gorbenko, is facing up to five years in prison. An international incident occurred on 25 November 2018 when the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) coast guard fired upon and captured three Ukrainian Navy vessels attempting to pass from the Black Sea into the Sea of Azov through the Kerch Strait on their way to the port of Mariupol. Partant du fait qu’il n’est pas explicitement limité temporellement et qu’il n’a jamais été explicitement dénoncé par aucune des deux parties7, l’accord stipule dans son article 1§1 que la mer d’Azov et le détroit constituent « historiquement la mer intérieure » de la Russie et de l’Ukraine. Incident was one of netart’s first collectives. [68] Russia denied it ever blocked vessels from sailing to Ukrainian ports and asserted that any possible disruptions were due to bad weather. [31] Furthermore, the Ukrainian and American governments have said that the bridge is being used by Russia as part of a creeping hybrid blockade of Ukrainian ports in the Azov Sea, and that Russian inspections of ships have risen sharply since the bridge opened in May 2018, with some reportedly being forced to wait between three and seven days before being allowed through. She demanded that Russia stop its "unlawful conduct" and respect the "navigational rights and freedoms of all states". De nombreux commentateurs politiques le soupçonnent d’avoir utilisé la loi martiale comme un moyen potentiel de reculer les élections à son avantage. [16] During this time, the Russians placed a large cargo ship under the bridge, blocking the route into the Sea of Azov. [24] As they approached the Kerch Strait, Russian Coast Guard boats first urged the Ukrainian vessels to self-identify, in Russian. No vessels were identified as Ukrainian. [74], On 18 November 2019, the captured ships were returned to Ukraine. Kerch incident map.svg 461 × 520; 128 KB Kerch Strait incident map.jpg 726 × 621; 202 KB Yani Kapu tugboat attacked by Don patrol boat.png 2,853 × 1,691; 6.63 MB Le manque de coopération et le caractère constant de la dispute entre la Russie et l’Ukraine rendent aussi potentiellement crédible cette manière de voir le statut juridique de la mer d’Azov. [9][55][11] In a statement, the Ukrainian Navy said, "After leaving the 12-mile zone, the Russian Federation's FSB opened fire at the flotilla belonging to... the armed forces of Ukraine". Crédit photo : photographie officielle de la construction du pont de Crimée (Kremlin). A strong plan must be in place to support your team. [25] He later called the event "a provocation" and accused the Ukrainian president of staging the incident in order to improve his popularity ahead of the 2019 presidential election. Ce cas de figure est suggéré – malgré la Déclaration de 2003 – car en 2016, des agences publiques ukrainiennes ont déclaré officiellement une partie de la mer d’Azov comme relevant de leur zone économique exclusive10. It is the sole access point for ships travelling to and from Ukraine's eastern port cities, most notably Mariupol. »18. [110], On 27 November, Secretary-General António Guterres expressed in a statement that he was "greatly concerned" about the incident and urged Russia and Ukraine to use "maximum restraint" and "to reduce tensions through all available peaceful means in accordance with the Charter of the UN". Que gagnerait l’Ukraine It later constructed the Crimean Bridge across the strait. [76][77], Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko convened the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine on 25 November. Что случилось", "Ukrainian Sailors Injured, Held After Russia Seizes Three Warships", "На захоплених Росією українських кораблях поранені шість військових – ВМС", Subsection C. Rules applicable to warships and other government ships operated for non-commercial purposes (UN Law of the Sea), Der Ukrainekonflikt und die Straße von Kertsch, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 2018, Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, International reactions to the war in Donbass, Demolition of monuments to Vladimir Lenin in Ukraine,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, multiple vessels of this class were present, two unidentified ships of this class were present, 2 × 30 mm autocannon, 2 × 30 mm grenade launchers, 4 × Barrier, 2 × 30 mm autocannon, 2 × 30 mm grenade launchers, 4 × Barrier ATGM, 2 × 7.62 mm MG, 9K38 Igla SAM, Russian Border Guard captures three Ukrainian naval vessels, Ukraine bans entry to all male Russian nationals aged 16–60 for the period of the martial law with exceptions for humanitarian purposes, Ukraine claims that Russia blocked vessels from sailing to Ukrainian ports (denied by Russia). [63] On 29 November, Russian authorities stated that the three hospitalised sailors were discharged from hospital. L’Ukraine se trouve à la frontière de l’Union européenne, avec qui elle a d’ailleurs signé un accord d’Association en 2014, entré en vigueur le 1er septembre 2017. Elle a fait preuve d’un aveu de faiblesse de par son inaction, mais aussi d’une démonstration de force avec le déploiement d’une opération de maintien de la paix et son soutien au premier ministre arménien Nikol Pachinian, pourtant largement « lâché » au plan national. [16] It also said the Ukrainian ships had been manoeuvring dangerously and intentionally ignored FSB instructions in order to stir up tensions. [32][33][34][35] Under the 2003 treaty, both Russia and Ukraine have the right to inspect vessels sailing into or out of the Sea of Azov. entry ban for men aged 16-60", "The Latest: Trump fails to single out Russia in Ukraine spat", "Russia Plans To Deploy More S-400 Missiles To Disputed Crimea Peninsula", "Russia asks for convening UN SC meeting on Sea of Azov situation", "UN Security Council refuses to adopt Russia's agenda for emergency session", "UN urges Russia and Ukraine to step away from further confrontation at sea", "Україна звернулася до Ради безпеки ООН через напад російських кораблів на українські", "Haley: UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting on Ukraine-Russia tensions", "The U.N. Security Council Is Calling an Emergency Meeting Over Russia-Ukraine Tensions", "Russia's Seizure Of Ukrainian Ships Is An 'Outrageous Violation,' Haley Says at U.N.", "At U.N., U.S. warns Russia over 'outrageous' violation of Ukraine sovereignty", "Kerch Strait Incident Resulted in Court Orders and International Criticism", "UN 'greatly concerned' over Russia-Ukraine conflict", "United Nations chief Antonio Guterres urges 'maximum restraint' from Russia, Ukraine", Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine 16 November 2018 to 15 February 2019, "Poroshenko: We must put pressure on Russia to bring it back to civilized world since it is a threat to global security", "The Latest: Security Council to meet over Russia, Ukraine", "Tokyo avoids criticizing Moscow over Ukraine issue ahead of talks on Russian-held islands off Hokkaido", "Ukraine president proposes martial law after Russia's ship seizure", "Global Community Responds Russia Firing On Ukraine: NATO, EU Condemn Force", "MEPs commend Ukraine's reform efforts and denounce Russian aggression", "Australia calls on Russia to restore navigation rights at Kerch Strait – embassy", "Canada calls on Russia to resume maritime traffic in Sea of Azov", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the use of force at the Kerch Strait", "France urges Russia to free Ukrainian sailors", "Germany: Russian blockade of Sea of Azov is unacceptable", "Hungary stands with Ukraine against Russia - Orban", "The Foreign Minister calls on Russia to abide by international law and ensure free access to Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov", "Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns 'Russian aggression' in Azov Sea", "Romania reacts to Russia – Ukraine developments in Kerch strait", "Slovak officials: We need to stand by Ukraine", "Margot Wallström: "Djupt oroande eskalering av Ryssland, "Britain condemns Russia's 'act of aggression against' Ukraine: PM May's spokesman", "Theresa May says Russia must release Ukrainian vessels and crew", "Turkey says Kerch Strait must remain open after Russia-Ukraine standoff", "Donald Trump may cancel Putin meeting over Russia's seizure of ships in Crimea", "Dodging Friends, Chased by Legal Troubles, Trump Navigates G-20", "Море от ума: украинская провокация в Керченском проливе завершилась провалом", "Киев обвинил российский пограничный корабль в таране украинского буксира", "Конфликт между Россией и Украиной в Черном море. [7][69], On 19 January 2019, USS Donald Cook entered the Black Sea, being the second American vessel to arrive in the Black Sea after the Kerch Strait incident after USS Fort McHenry entered on 10 January 2019. In particular, Russia was able to get one of the witnesses in the MH17 case. According to this document and these videos, the incident had been … Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, reportedly said that the incident was an act of war by Russia. Kerch (rusu: Керчь, ucraín: Керч, tártaru de Crimea: Keriç) ye una ciudá portuaria, asitiada na mariña oriental de la península de Crimea.La ciudá topar nel estrechu de Kerch que comunica'l mar d'Azov col mar Negru.La so soberanía ta aldericada con Ucraína, una y bones esta nun reconoz el referendu de 2014 sobre la so adhesión a Rusia. [92], President Poroshenko during an interview told the German tabloid Bild that Germany should support Ukraine. Elle a pour effets potentiels de suspendre la liberté de la presse, et d’interdire à des partis politiques de se présenter. Harry says: 9 Dec 2018 at 12:08. Ces face-à-face sont le résultat d’une situation de tension dans la zone, qui n’a fait que s’aggraver depuis l’inauguration du pont de Kertch, en mai. Publié par Groupe d'Études Géopolitiques. Quant à la Russie, il semble qu’elle souhaite réaffirmer énergiquement sa souveraineté territoriale sur la Crimée, et par extension sur le détroit de Kertch. [49] One was damaged while ramming the Ukrainian tugboat Yany Kapu. l’Opinion. [18][27] The Ukrainian government rejected this, and said it had informed the Russians of the planned passage through the Kerch Strait in advance. Ukrainian Ministry of Transportation, Navigation Rules for Vessel Navigation Through the Kerch-Yenkale Canal, Order No. Mais la reconnaissance d’un détroit ouvre aussi un droit de passage en transit (art. [18][19][20] The Russians tried to halt the Ukrainian ships, but they continued moving in the direction of the bridge. Depuis le printemps 2018, les contrôles des navires ukrainiens par les forces russes sont devenus de plus en plus fréquents, ce qui met l’économie ukrainienne, déjà fragile, sous pression ; notamment dans le domaine de l’acier et des céréales. [9] In the evening, the Ukrainian ships turned back to return to port in Odessa. These are the things you want to stay on top of so you don’t have full-on incidents. Elle ne devrait donc pas y avoir d’impact direct sur les élections de mars 2019. [106] This was confirmed by US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. Et la situation se complexifie encore si l’on songe que cette mer est bordée, sur son versant sud-ouest, par la Crimée annexée. Dans la confrontation qui émerge entre l'aigle et le dragon, en quoi démocratie et autoritarisme peuvent-elles jouer un rôle ? 38 CNUDM) « à seule fin de transit continu et rapide par le détroit ». Par conséquent, les navires de type Panamax, clients majoritaires des deux ports ukrainiens de Berdyansk et Marioupol, sont dans l’incapacité de traverser le détroit1. La justice internationale a sommé Moscou de libérer sans délai les 24 marins ukrainiens détenus depuis novembre à la suite de l'incident de Kertch, qui a attisé les tensions entre l'Ukraine et la Russie, en conflit depuis cinq ans. [101], Following the declaration of martial law in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed "serious concern". [100] Deputy chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy warned of the danger of a war. It later constructed the Crimean Bridge across the strait. En outre, le Danemark se montre de plus en plus réticent à participer, car le projet doit passer par son plateau continental.

Erf Signification Sms, Cosa Nostra Série, Chapelet Pour Les âmes Du Purgatoire Pdf, Cote Saviem Sg2, Intégrité Du Pancréas Et De La Rate, Ifsi Croix-rouge Paris, Donne Des éblouissements 10 Lettres,