The two were a devout Catholic couple of the northern Rhine-Westphalian middle-class. This translated into Beuys' formulation of the concept of social sculpture, in which society as a whole was to be regarded as one great work of art (the Wagnerian Gesamtkunstwerk) to which each person can contribute creatively (perhaps Beuys' most famous phrase, borrowed from Novalis, is "Everyone is an artist"). München, Heyne (1998). Todestag von Joseph Beuys, Solingen, 2016. Potts, Alex: 'Tactility: The Interrogation of Medium in the Art of the 1960s,' Art History, Vol.27, No.2 April 2004. 35–43. False. Hudson,N.Y. As a work of art, a social sculpture includes human activity that strives to structure and shape society or the environment. Individuality and well-educated decisions are promoted in the person while the government is made of those decisions put into referendums. Beuys, Transdisciplinarity and a Sustainable Future. En 1991, le projet "The thing" tira son inspiration du concept de sculpture sociale. Il déclara que les pierres ne pouvaient être déplacées qu'à la condition de planter d'autres chênes à leur place. Une sculpture sociale est une expression utilisée pour décrire un concept élargi de l'art et qui a été promue par l'artiste conceptuel et homme politique Joseph Beuys.Beuys a créé ce terme pour communiquer sa vision du potentiel de l'art à transformer la société. In 1991, "The Thing" took its inspiration from the concept of social sculpture. Indebted to Romantic writers such as Novalis and Schiller, Beuys was… Joseph Beuys' work continues to influence and inspire practitioners and thinkers all over the world, in areas from organizational learning, direct democracy and new money forms to new art pedagogies and ecological art practices. Sept mille chênes furent plantés à Cassel, en Allemagne[2]. 26-34; also published in The Social Artist vol. Beuys's strange work changes the status quo into a world where facts and fiction are indistinguishable. Beuys a créé ce terme pour communiquer sa vision du potentiel de l'art à transformer la société. 282-304. Joseph Beuys was a German-born artist active in Europe and the United States from the 1950s through the early 1980s, who came to be associated with that era's international, Conceptual art and Fluxus movements. Todestag von Joseph Beuys, Solingen, 2016, This page was last edited on 13 March 2020, at 23:28. He announced that the stones should not be moved unless an oak tree was planted in the new location of the stone. Joseph Beuys: Important Sculptures from the 1950s. En 2007, lors de la Documenta 12, Kirill Preobrazhenskiy créa "Tram 4 Inner Voice Radio". The original project transformed the sidewalks and landscape of Kassel, Germany, with the planting of 7,000 oak trees between 1982 and 1987. Just months after Beuys's birth, the family moved south to the industrial town of Kleve. ): MIT Press, 1996. Le sculpteur social est un artiste qui crée des structures dans la société en s'aidant de la langue, des pensées, des actions et des objets. cat., Philadelphia Museum of Art). Social sculpture is a theory developed by the artist Joseph Beuys in the 1970s based on the concept that everything is art, that every aspect of life could be approached creatively and, as a result, everyone has the potential to be an artist. Adams, David: "Joseph Beuys on Art as the Sole Revolutionary Force," The Social Artist vol. These ideas were founded in the social ideas of anthroposophy and the work of Rudolf Steiner, of which he was a vigorous and original proponent. The artist used preparatory pencil marks and dark grey oil paint to roughly sketch a series of shapes on a small, scored piece of cream coloured paper, previously folded into eighths. The Essential Joseph Beuys. 2, no. 100 years of joseph beuys: What do our thoughts, our feelings and desires have to do with sculpture?Is art the only revolutionary force? From above, one could see that the pile of stones was a large arrow pointing to a single oak tree that he had planted. Book chapter in Lerm-Hayes (Ed.). In 1973, Beuys wrote: In 1982, he was invited to create a work for Documenta 7. Joseph Beuys was born in Krefeld, a small city in northwest Germany. Joseph Beuys was a hugely influential pioneer of performance art, making a wide impact with his Actions from 1963 onwards. Art On The Edge And Over, "Political Reformation: Joseph Beuys." Beuys believed that sculpture should not be a fixed form. Beuys pensait que tout le monde était artiste : "chaque versant de l'activité humaine, même éplucher une pomme de terre, peut être une œuvre d'art, du moment que c'est un acte conscient". Buchloh, Benjamin H.D., Krauss, Rosalind, Michelson, Annette: ‘Joseph Beuys at the Guggenheim,’ in: October, 12 (Spring 1980), pp 3–21. Il délivra un gros tas de pierres de basalte. This point of view invites followers to humble themselves by realizing that they are an important part of a whole not only an individual. Since making its presence felt in September 2011, the Occupy movement has drawn upon aesthetic-affective techniques and cooperative structures developed in socially engaged art practices from the mid-twentieth century onwards—such as Joseph Beuys' notion of “social sculpture”—as resources for producing new social compositions. - … 7,000 oak trees were then planted in Kassel, Germany. London: Thames and Hudson, 1996. “Social sculpture” is a term promoted by the German artist Joseph Beuys through a series of very public lecture tours beginning in the early 1970s. 187-213.(. Oman Hiltrud: "Joseph Beuys. Social sculpture is a phrase to describe an expanded concept of art that was advocated by the German conceptual artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986), in the seventies of the last century. Weintraub, Danto, Mcevilley. : Anthroposophic Press, 1998, pp. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 20 décembre 2020 à 13:52. 7000 Oaks. In 2007, at Documenta 12, Kirill Preobrazhenskiy created work "Tram 4 Inner Voice Radio". Ce point de vue invite ses adeptes à devenir plus humbles en réalisant qu'ils sont une part importante d'un tout et pas seulement des individus[5]. Thinking is Form: The Drawings of Joseph Beuys (exh. The exhibited works by Joseph Beuys from the collection of Céline and Heiner Bastian were on show at Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum for Contemporary Art, in Berlin as long-term loans for almost 20 years. heal society. [1] Du dessus, on pouvait voir que le tas de pierres formait une grande flèche pointant vers un chêne qu'il avait planté. ): Joseph Beuys, Mapping the Legacy. 7000 Oak Trees 1982. He delivered a large pile of basalt stones. "An intimate dialogue with Joseph Beuys ... takes us into the deeper motivations and understandings underlying 'social sculpture' and his expanded conception of art." Dans la vidéo "Joseph Beuys' public dialogue" de Joseph Beuys et William Sharp (1974, 120 minutes), présentant un enregistrement du premier grand débat public de l'artiste aux États-Unis, Beuys élabore trois principes : la liberté, la démocratie et le socialisme, en déclarant que chacun d'eux dépend des deux autres pour avoir un sens. He wanted to extend the creative process into every facet of life and employ art as an educational tool. Hasecke, Jan Ulrich: Soziale Plastik. Une sculpture sociale est une expression utilisée pour décrire un concept élargi de l'art et qui a été promue par l'artiste conceptuel et homme politique Joseph Beuys. Beuys statement dated 1973, first published in English in Caroline Tisdall: Art into Society, Society into Art (ICA, London, 1974), p.48. Adams, David: "From Queen Bee to Social Sculpture: The Artistic Alchemy of Joseph Beuys," Afterword in Rudolf Steiner, Bees. Since 1994, the Stela for Tolerance is one of the biggest projects worldwide following the concept of social sculpture. Idée résumée dans la phrase, probablement la plus célèbre de Beuys et empruntée à Novalis : "Chaque personne [est] un artiste". A social sculptor, a performance artist, an educator, a mystic, a radio operator—Joseph Beuys was all of these things and more. He once said "every sphere of human activity, even peeling a potato can be a work of art as long as it is a conscious act," the idea being that every decision you make should be thought out and attempt to make or contribute to a work of art which in the end is society. Text by Dieter Koepplin. [4], Beuys believed everybody was an artist. True. From Wikipedia: The concept of "Social Sculpture" Some of the 7,000 Oaks planted between 1982 and 1987 for Documenta 7 (1982) It was during the 1960s that Beuys formulated his central theoretical concepts concerning the social, cultural and political function and potential of art. Beuys's diverse body of work ranges from traditional media of drawing, painting, and sculpture, to process-oriented, or time-based "action" art, the performance of … Die Kunst der Allmende: ein Essay zum 30. Appealing for an Alternative: Ecology and Environmentalism in Joseph Beuys’ Projects of Social Sculpture Written by Cara Jordan In December 1978, the German artist Joseph Beuys (1921–1986) published a public appeal, “Aufruf zur Alternative” (Appeal for an Alternative), in the cultural section of the Frankfurter Rundschau . Son travail fut comparé par la critique à l'œuvre "7000 Oaks" de Beuys[3]. Joseph Beuys ( BOYSS, German: [ˈjoːzɛf ˈbɔʏs]; 12 May 1921 – 23 January 1986) was a German Fluxus, happening, and performance artist as well as a painter, sculptor, medallist, installation artist, graphic artist, art theorist, and pedagogue. As Beuys aged, he began to broaden his field of interest even more. Is the future a category of art? Ray, Gene (ed. Organisation pour la démocratie directe par référendum, Déclaration de Beuys, datée de 1973, publiée en anglais dans, "Une partie de l'art de la Documenta de cette année s'est échappée des halls d'exposition confinés et est intervenue dans l'espace public de Cassel, comme l'oeuvre de Kirill Preobrazhenskiy : "Tram 4 Inner Voice Radio", une installation sonore jouée sur un axe routier très emprunté. Joseph Beuys’ Later Conceptual Art And Death. Photo from 7000 Oaks by Joseph Beuys, 1982-1987, via Medium. Dans les années soixante, Beuys formula ses théories concernant les fonctions et potentiels politiques, sociaux et culturels de l'art. Comme une œuvre d'art, une sculpture sociale inclut l'activité humaine qui cherche à structurer et transformer la société ou l'environnement. Adams, David: "Joseph Beuys: Pioneer of a Radical Ecology," Art Journal, vol. When Beuys wrapped the concert grand piano in felt, it was not dead, only mute. Bastian, Heiner: Joseph Beuys: The secret block for a secret person in Ireland. He was an only child, to the merchant Josef Jakob Beuys and his wife Johanna Maria Margarete Hulsermann. As a work of art, a social sculpture includes human activity that strives to structure and shape society or the environment. Tisdall, Caroline: Joseph Beuys, New York: Guggenheim Museum, 1979. For example, in his groundbreaking 1965 performance … Stachelhaus, Heiner. Known for his highly original and controversial themes, his practice of “social sculpture” attempted to make art more democratic by collapsing the space between life and art. His extensive work is grounded in concepts of humanism, social philosophy and anthroposophy; it culminates in his "extended definition of art" and the idea of social sculpture as a gesamtkunstwerk, for which he claimed a creative, participatory role in shaping society and politics. 2 Summer 1992. Indebted to Romantic writers such as Novalis and Schiller, Beuys was motivated by a utopian belief in the power of universal human creativity and was confident in the potential for art to bring about revolutionary change. Héritant des écrivains romantiques comme Novalis et Schiller, Beuys était motivé par une croyance utopique dans le pouvoir de la créativité universelle de l'être humain et croyait au potentiel de l'art à apporter des changements révolutionnaires. 2 Summer 2014: 33-34. During the 1960s, Beuys formulated his central theoretical concepts concerning the social, cultural and political function and potential of art. New York and Sarasota: Rosenthal, Mark: Joseph Beuys: Actions, Vitrines, Environments, London: Tate, 2005, Sacks, Shelley: 'Social Sculpture and New Organs of Perception: New practices and new pedagogy for a humane and ecologically viable future'. Joseph Beuys' lifelong mission was to _____. Temkin, Ann, and Bernice Rose. Joseph Beuys developed a new concept of art as Social Sculpture in post-war Germany after the long period of repression and lethargy. Beuys would later recall, in an unsubstantiat… His performance art "actions" were shamanistic experiences incorporating ritualized movement and sound, as well as non-traditional and even repulsive materials such as fat, felt, honey, blood, and dead animals. Ses idées trouvent leur origine dans l'anthroposophie et l'œuvre de Rudolf Steiner, dont il était un fervent partisan. Ce projet illustra l'idée qu'une sculpture sociale est définie comme interdisciplinaire et participative. Felt Sculptures 1964 is a study on paper by the German artist Joseph Beuys that relates to an important group of sculptures, Felt Objects 1964–67, begun in the same year. Beuys created the term "social sculpture" to embody his understanding of art's potential to … Beuys created the term "social sculpture" to embody his understanding of art's potential to transform society. Death Keeps Me Awake: Joseph Beuys – Rudolf Steiner, Foundations of their Thought, Spurbuch, 2013.This is an English translation by Shelley Sacks of Wolfgang Zumdick’s monograph Ueber das Denken. En 1982, Beuys fut invité à créer une œuvre pour la documenta 7. Joseph Beuys was the preeminent spokesperson of postwar European art and among the most radical artists of the century. Joseph Beuys. The British artist duo Gilbert & George (born 1943 and 1944) have been making highly original performance works from 1969. Die Kunst auf dem Weg zum Leben." Are these even the questions we need to be asking? Joseph Beuys speaking: “When I say that everyone is an artist, I’m referring to an art that one could call social art, a new discipline of art. Il définit le concept de « sculpture sociale » … : 'Beuys: The Twilight of the Idol,' Artforum, vol.5, no.18 (January 1980), pp. Borer, Alain. The central idea of a social sculptor is an artist who creates structures in society u… Later this year he also first staged Celtic (Kinloch Rannoch) Scottish Symphony. A major figure of the postwar German avant-garde, Joseph Beuys viewed art as a vehicle for social change. They have been shown at Galerie Bastian for the first time, complemented by additional works on loan. 20 September - 16 November 2019. But as a new discipline it’s so big that it comprises every historical development that has been passed on to us as modern art, or whatever art movement, from the past. [2] This project exemplified the idea that a social sculpture was defined as interdisciplinary and participatory. In the video "Willoughby SHARP, Joseph Beuys, Public Dialogues (1974/120 min)", a record of Beuys' first major public discussion in the U.S., Beuys elaborates three principles: Freedom, Democracy, and Socialism, saying that each of them depends on the other two in order to be meaningful. New York: Abbeville Press, 1991. 1 Spring 2014: 3-13. Today,[when?] [5], Organization for direct democracy through plebiscite. De Duve, Thierry: Kant After Duchamp, Cambridge (Mass. Joseph Beuys Sculpture Park is a park located on the campus of the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) in Baltimore County, Maryland, inspired by Joseph Beuys' extensive 7000 Oaks tree planting project. ", FIU-Verlag: Éditeur de la Free International University (FIU), Extraits sonores de Joseph Beuys sur Ubuweb, Joseph Beuys sur le Walker Art Information Center, galerie de photos concernant Joseph Beuys, Joseph Beuys : Chaque personne [est] un artiste (en espagnol), Audio de Joseph Beuys : "Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne", 1970, Éditions Mazzotta, Milan, 33 tours (extrait 2:00),, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. 51, no. His work was compared by critics with Beuys' oaks. L'idée étant que chaque décision qu'on prend doit être pensée et tentée afin de faire ou de contribuer à une œuvre d'art qui, finalement, est la société. 7000 Oaks is an environmental artwork created by German artist Joseph Beuys.The artist proposed a plan to have 7000 oaks trees planted across the Germany city of Kassel, each tree accompanied with basalt stone, 4 feet high above the ground.. Joseph Beuys’ objection was for the project to extend throughout the world as the initial stage of a worldwide mission to … Johannes Stüttgen spread the idea for direct democracy with the project "Omnibus". It includes a new introductory text by Shelley Sacks ‘Translation Keeps Me Awake’ and by Wolfgang Zumdick. His career was characterized by open public debates on a very wide range of subjects including political, environmental, social … The goal was influencing social patterns with implementing Beuys' concept of the extended notion of art and the social sculpture via political means. Joseph Beuys’s artistic work is imbued by his theory of “social sculpture” and by his expansion of the traditional concept of art, namely the rejection of formal aesthetic standards and firmly established artistic principles, the practice of art as an integral process of perception and cognition in which everyone should participate and actively intervene in changing society. It named a kind of artwork that takes place in the social realm, an art that requires social engagement, … Götz Adrini, Winfried Konnertz, et Karin Thomas: Hasecke, Jan Ulrich: Soziale Plastik. The Art Collections of North Rhine-Westphalia in D üsseldorf, for example, plan to convene contemporary artists as part of an exhibition entitled ′′ Every man is an artist Cosmopolitan exercises with Joseph Beuys ′′ (March 27 to August 15, 2021). New York: Thames and Hudson, 1993. 1996,, Sol LeWitt, "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art", FIU-Verlag: The editor of the Free International University (FIU) and events, The Beuys Homepage by "Free International University"(FIU), Joseph Beuys Every man is an artist; Documenta Kassel (in Spanish), Joseph Beuys; Every man is an artist (in Spanish), Audio of Joseph Beuys "Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne", 1970, Mazzotta Editions, Milan, 33 rpm (excerpt 2:00),, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from January 2016, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. L'organisation pour la démocratie directe par référendum ("Organization for direct democracy through plebiscite"), fut fondée par Joseph Beuys, Johannes Stüttgen et Karl Fastabend le 19 juin 1971 à Düsseldorf, sous forme d'organisation politique. Joseph Beuys. Beuys created artworks, but he also created what he called "Directions." Alongside the rise of the activist movements in the late 1960s, the German artist Joseph Beuys (1921–1986) proposed his concept of “social sculpture” — a method of fostering creativity, aimed at transforming society through interdisciplinary dialogue — as an alternative to the chaotic political, economic, and social life of postwar West Germany. Social sculpture is a phrase to describe an expanded concept of art that was invented by the artist and co-founder of the German Green Party, Joseph Beuys. Apr 22, 2020 - Joseph Heinrich Beuys, 1921 à 1986 - Artiste allemand majeurs de l’art contemporain Dessins, sculptures, performances, fluxus, happening vidéos, installations et théories, dans un ensemble artistique très engagé politiquement - Il questionne les thèmes : humanisme, écologie, sociologie, anthroposophie.

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